These are the best out of the photos I took, each has the MP with a slightly different expression on his face so I could see which looked best with my newspaper.
I chose this last one as my photograph as I felt it best portrayed my ideology. My teenage model is smiling and friendly, whereas my older model looks slightly more serious, keeping a sense that whilst older people are the authority, young people are the real important people in this picture.
To ensure the composition of the photo was with my models in the centre, I cropped the edges of the photo slightly.

As I used a prop of an existing certificate, I then edited this to ensure it fitted in with the story if anyone were to look more closely at the photograph.
As you can see here, the edited certificate.
Finally, to ensure a sense of location, I imposed the words 'Town Hall' on the building behind my two characters, as I felt this was an appropriate place for this photograph to take place.
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