This is an example of another Local Newspaper from my area: Eastern Daily Press or EDP. It covers the larger area of Norfolk, North Suffolk and Eastern Cambridgeshire. It is the 'sister' newspaper to Norwich Evening News and consequently shares not only many of the same stories, but also without a doubt the same ideology. Although it is a regional newspaper, it aims to cover the most poignant national news also to allow it's readers to get a wider perspective. It does however aim to be impartial to any political party, with a mission statement of: 'champion a fair deal for the future prosperity of the region'. Like many of the newspapers in the region it is also published by 'Archant'. Again as you can see it uses the same modern technologies that are arguably essential in today's ever-changing world.
Example Front Cover: 30/04/2011

This headline is both simplistic but eye catching and cliché It does not detail what the story about, however, as a nationwide story as well as one that is relevant to the region (an example of the EDP's wider stance on news), there is no need for a descriptive headline. It is almost associated with fairy tales, therefore making this story have an emotional appeal as the audience both enjoys reading a 'happy ending' and longs for a happy ending themselves.
Main Image:
This not only compliments the existing headline but also as an image that will surely become iconic in years to come, adds a sense of 'up-to-date' to the newspaper, as it is including one of the most pivotal events, and therefore photographs of the year.
Like many newspaper masthead, it is sans serif, with a colour that is not only simple, but ties in with the rest of the newspaper. It has also become a recognised logo that is associated with the newspaper where ever the same font/colour is used.
The advert is arguably placed to link to the main article. As an article about a wedding, there is then an advert about 'Formal Fashion', this is a marketing technique that is commonly seen, such as on TV when an artist is featured on a chat show, their album is then featured in the adverts. It is expected that the readers of this issue would be interested in formal occasions and hence the inclusion of the advert.
Other Features
At the bottom there is an almost contents page listing the articles in the issue, this is particular important in this issue as much of the main body is taken up with the same story: the Royal wedding. It is therefore essential that EDP continue to provide the same service to the readers as usual with things such as weather, letters, and lottery numbers.
Example Front Cover: 11/11/13
The headline starts by using a collective pronoun, not only supporting the ideas and respect behind Remembrance day, but also encouraging readers to show their support too. In addition, this is overall a very simple statement which, along with the poppy, immediately portrays the meaning behind the article and exactly what it is about.
Image (s)
The main image on the article shows a man bowing his head in respect, showing him 'remembering them' as 'we' should too (according to the headline). The composition of the photo allows a British flag to be shown to the left hand side of the image, with a black clothed man in the foreground this clearly makes him stand out, as a symbol of respect and someone to idolise on this day. In keeping with combining local with international and national news, a smaller photo of the Queen is also included to give the headline a wider and important stance.
Adverts are often more featured in local newspapers than they are in national due to the smaller audience and therefore the need to earn money in other ways. Whilst this advert is for furniture, it is something for a local company, important to consider for my newspaper as otherwise it would become very irrelevant to my audience if I were to advertise something national and perhaps less to do with the local area.
Other Features
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